Report of Acquisition or Disposition of Securities of a Busi

18 September 1996
Report of Acquisition or Disposition of Securities of a Business 1. Date of filing 13/09/1996 2. The purpose of this report is (/) to comply with section 246 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 ( ) to correct or amend & previous report dated ................... 3. Date of acquisition or disposition 13/09/1996 4. This is a report of (/) an acquisition ( ) a disposition of securities of LOXLEY PUBLIC CO.LTD. which is (/) a company whose securities are listed on the SET ( ) a company whose securities are traded in an over-the- counter center established under section 204 (OTCC) ( ) a public limited company 5. Name of the person(s) making the acquisition or disposition (state name, current address and telephone number) BANK AUSTRIA SINGAPORE BRANCH 80 RAFFLES PLACE # 12-20 UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624, TEL.: 465-438 4800 6. Type of securities acquired or disposed of ( ) shares ( ) certificates representing the right to purchase shares exercise ratio = 1 unit :..........share(s) (/) other securities which may be converted into shares (state type) CONVERTIBLE BONDS conversion ratio = 1 unit : 56 share(s) 1 UNIT = 1,000 US$ 7. Number of securities acquiredof 4,000 repesenting 3.6 per centof number of securities sold. 8. The acquisition or disposition item 7 was a result of Acquisition ( ) a purchase on the Stock of Thailand (SET) ( ) a purchase in an OTCC ( ) an acquisition of shares through the exercise of warrants or conversion of rights under other securities ( ) a purchase of new shares (/) others PURCHASE IN THE SECONDARY EUROBOND MARKET Disposition ( ) a sale to the offer in a tender offer ( ) a sale on the SET ( ) a sale in an OTCC ( ) others ................................ In the case of a share disposition of 5 per cent more of total number of sharcs sold, state name of buycr (If known) ............ 9. Number of securities held after the acquisition or disposition 10,100 shares representing 9.18 per cent of total number of securities sold. 10. (In the case of acquisition) state the highest price per unit of securities paid for the acquisition during the 90 days before and including the date of acquisition in 3. Price : US$975/UNIT (which were the price of acquisition on (date) 13.09.1996 11. Name of person filing report (state name, current address and telephone number, and whether or not the report is filed on behalf of person(s) in 5. FRANZ FRIEDL, DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER, BANK AUSTRIA SINGAPORE BRANCH, 80 RAFFLES PLACE # 12-20, UOB PLAZA 2, SINGAPORE 048624, TEL.: 465-438 4800 12.(In the case of an acquisition giving rise to an obligation to make a lender offer for all securities under Parl l of the SEC's Notification on the Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Acquision of Securities for a Business Takeover dated March 6, B.E.2538) ( ) A tender offer for all securities will be jointly made with ICI micron B.V. or ( ) The shares so acquired will be disposed of as stipulated by his voting rights SEC, and the holder pronises not to exercise his voting rights corresponding to shares so aquired or ( ) A wiver from the reqirement to make a tender offer has been obtained from the office of the SEC as per its lelter ref.......dated..... .................. or ( ) A waiver from the requirement to make a tender offer has been obtained from the Office of the SEC as approved by the shareholders in a shareholdcrs meeting on (date) Signed (Person filling the report)