12 December 1997
LOXLEY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED THE REPORT ON LOSS ON EXCHANGE AND NET LIABILITIES OUTSTANDING BEFORE A CHANGE IN THE FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE SYSTEM TO A NEW MANAGED FLOAT SYSTEM DENOMINATED IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES FOR THE THREE-MONTH AND NINE-MONTH PERIODS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 AND AUDITORS REPORT AUDITORS REPORT We have reviewed the report of loss on foreign exchange rates which presented as extraordinary item and liabilities outstanding before a change in the foreign currency exchange system to a new managed float system deno minated in foreign currencies of Loxley Public Company Limited for the three -month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 1997 to be in accordance with the books and accounting records of Loxley Public Company Limited. This report is issued solely for the submission to the Stock Exchange of Thailand and should not be used for any other purpose. VICHIEN THAMTRAKUL C.P.A. (THAILAND) Registration No. 3183 November 18, 1997 LOXLEY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITIED 1. The detail of loss on exchange rates which presented as an extraordinary item for the three-month and nine-month periods ended September 30, 1997 are as follows: In thousand Baht Three Months Period Nine Months Period Consolidated Stand Alone Consolidated Stand Alone Financial Financial Financial Financial Statements Statements Statements Statements 2540 2540 2540 2540 Loss on exchange rates - Realized 29,870 24,036 29,870 24,036 - Unrealized 2,322,529 2,258,499 2,322,529 2,258,499 Total 2,352,399 2,282,535 2,352,399 2,282,535 2. Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in Baht based on the exchange rates prevailing at the transaction dates. Balances of assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet dates are translated at the prevailing exchange rates as of those dates. Gains or losses from the translation are credited to or charged against current periods. 3. The due dates of outstanding liabilities and assets before a change in the foreign currency exchange system to a new managed float system denominated in foreign currencies as of September 30,1997 are as follows: - 2 - Liabilities due within 1997 In thousand Consolidated Financial Statements Stand Alone Financial Statements Interest Interest Foreign Exchange Rate Foreign Exchange Rate Currency Currency Rate Baht (%) Due Date Currency Rate Baht (%) Due Date Yen 1,200,000 0.303282 363,938 1.09375 Oct 30, 97 1,200,000 0.303282 363,938 1.09375 Oct 30, 97 Yen 300,000 0.303282 90,985 1.4375 Nov 17,97 300,000 0.303282 90,985 1.4375 Nov 17, 97 U.S.$ 2,000 36.617 73,234 7.93 Nov 28, 97 - - - - - U.S.$ 1,000 36.617 36,617 7.93 Dec 11, 97 - - - - - Total 564,774 454,923 Liabilities due after 1998 In thousand Consolidated Financial Statements Stand Alone Financial Statements Interest Interest Foreign Exchange Rate Foreign Exchange Rate Currency Currency Rate Baht (%) Due Date Currency Rate Baht (%) Due Date U.S $ 105,000 36.617 3,844,785 2.5 Apr 4, 2001 105,000 36.617 3,844,785 2.5 Apr 4, 2001 U.S $ 100,000 36.617 3,661,700 3.5 Apr 20, 2005 100,000 36.617 3,661,700 3.5 Apr 20, 2005 Total 7,506,485 7,506,485 Accounts Receivable - At call In thousand Consolidated Financial Statements Stand Alone Financial Statements Interest Interest Foreign Exchange Rate Foreign Exchange Rate Currency Currency Rate Baht (%) Due Date Currency Rate Baht (%) Due Date Peso 89,500 1.0505 94,020 15 At call 89,500 1.0505 94,020 15 At call U.S.$ 560 36.1822 20,262 15 At call 560 36.1822 20,262 15 At call U.S.$ - - - - - 160 36.1822 5,789 12 At call Total 114,282 120,071