31 August 1998
- 12 - 9. EURO CONVERTIBLE BONDS During the second quarter of 1995, the Company offered the Euro-Convertible Bonds in the foreign countries with a total face value of U.S. Dollars 100 million (divided into 100,000 bonds at U.S. Dollars 1,000 principal amount) (ECD 1), or equivalent to Baht 2,455 million contingent on the exchange rate fixed at the time of conversion or redemption. The bonds bear interest at the rate of 3.5% p.a. and will be due for redemption on April 20, 2005.However, the bondholders, pursuant to the stipulated conditions in the prospectus, may exercise their conversion rights at any time from July 20, 1995 up to March 20, 2005 at the conversion price of Baht 500 per share, or put redemption option at prior maturity on April 20, 2000 at the price with premium totalling U.S.Dollars 1,310 per share. In addition, the Company, pursuant to the st ipulated conditions in the prospectus, may mandatorily redeem all or some of the bonds at any time from May, 1998 to April 20, 2000 at the price with premium totalling U.S. Dollars 1,237 per share or U.S. Dollars 1,310 per share, depend upon the period of rede mption. During the second quarter of 1996, the Company offered another Euro-Convertible Bond in the foreign countries with a total face value of U.S. Dollars 105 million (divided into 105,000 bonds at U.S. Dollars 1,000 principal amount) (ECD 2), or equivalentto Baht 2,646 million contingent on the exchange rate fixed at the time of conversion. The bonds bear interest at the rate of 2.5% p.a. and will be due for redemption on April 4, 2001. However, the bondholders, pursuant to the stipulated conditions in the prospectus, may exercise their conversion rights at any time from July 4, 1996 up to March 4, 2001 at the conversion price of Baht 450 per share. In addition, the Company, pursuant to the stipula ted conditions in the prospectus, may mandatorily redeem all or some of the bonds at any time from April 1999 to April 3, 2001 at the price with premium totalling U.S.Dollars 1,210 per share in 2000 and U.S. Dollars 1,272 per share in 2001. In respect of the issuance of the bonds referred to above, at the extraordinary shareholders meetings held on January 11, 1995 and March 18, 1996, the shareholders approved the increase in the Companys authorized share capital from Baht 400 million (divided into 40,000,000 shares at Baht 10 par value) to Baht 460 million divided into 46,000,000 shares at the same par value) and finall to Baht 520 million (divided into 52,000,000 shares at the same par value). The increased share capital of 12,000,000 shares will be issued to the convertible bondholders who will later exercise their conversion rights. The Company registered the resolution of the increase share capital with the Ministry of Commerce on January 27, 1995 and March 20, 1996, respectively. - 13 - Since 1996, the market prices of the stock including the Companys shares, in the Stock Exchange of Thailand have declined continuously. Consequently, the bondholders may not exercise their conversion rights as much as that of the Companys estimate. Accordingly, the Company set up a policy to provide a provision for the premium to be paid to the bondholders at the time redemption be made at the rate of 80% of total premium to be paid in case of all bondholders exercise the redemption right at prior maturity date, spread over the period of the right by applying the straight-line method. The Management believes that such provision is adequate since the present market price of the Companys shares represents the price during the period that the Securities Exchange of Thailand is unusually in declining circumstances and the redemption period will be in effect in next two (2) years for ECD 1 and next three (3) years for ECD 2, respectively. As at June 30, 1998, the provision amounted to approximately Baht 1,112.5 million. 10. EXCHANGE GAIN (LOSS) ARISING FROM CHANGE IN FOREIGN CURRENCY EXCHANGE SYSTEM As a result of the change in the foreign currency exchange system to the managed float system effective from July 2, 1997, the Company and subsidiaries derived a net gain (loss) on repayment and collection of its foreign currency liabilities and assets during the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 1998, and on the translation of the net liabilities outstanding at June 30, 1998 (using the exchange rates prevailing on June 30, 1998) totalling approximately Baht 759.8 million (loss) and Baht 1,016.6 million (gain) for interim consolidated financial statements and Baht 774.8 million (loss) and Baht 1,014.1 million (gain) for the company interim financial statements. These gain/loss were presented separately in the Statement of Income for the three-month and six-month periods ended June 30, 1998. 11. AGREEMENTS As at June 30, 1998 and 1997: a) A subsidiary has the joint venture agreement with a party comprising IBM Thailand Corporation Co., Ltd., Loxley International Co., Ltd. and IBM Worldtrade Corporation Co., Ltd., to supply the turnkey system for the Taxation Computerized Project to the Revenue Department. The total contract price is Baht 1,814 million in which the subsidiary is liable in respect of a 44.738% share of the prospective profit/loss incurred. - 14 - b) A subsidiary has an agreement with the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) for the latter to allow the subsidiary to provide paging services within an agreed period. By virtue of this a greement, the subsidiary is committed to transfer the ownership of communications network to TOT which subsequently grant right to use the network over the term of the license to the subsidiary. In this connection, the subsidiary has to pay compensations to TOT amounted to Baht 1 million per annum. Additionally, the subsidiary was required to provide a bank guarantee of Baht 141.1 million to TOT to guarantee its performance. A portion of banks guarantees was collateralized by the pledge of fixed deposit accountapproximately Baht 23.4 million. c) Two subsidiaries together with the Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) have entered into an agreement to invest in the computer database services project. By virtue of this agreement, the subsidiaries are committed to supply, install, control and maintenance all tools and equipment as agreed in the agreement. In addition, the subsidiaries must transfer the ownership of suchtools and equipment to CAT at the first day on which service be rendered. This agreement shall be in effect for a period of ten (10) years commencing from the first day on which service be rendered,without cancellation right except for those specified in the agreement. During the period of agreement, the subsidiaries have the right to charge service fee and other fees from the users as stipulated in the agreement. d) A subsidiary with the Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) have entered into an agreement to invest in the satellite transmission services project. By virtue of this agreement, the subsidiary is committed to supply, install, control and maintenance all tools and equipment as agreed in the agreement. In addition,the subsidiary must transfer the ownership of such tools and equipment to CAT at the first day on which service be rendered. The agreement shall be in effect for a period at twenty-two (22) years commencing from the first day on which service be rendered or twelve (12) months subsequently date of an agreement, which sever is occurrence, without cancellation right except for thosespecified in the agreement. During the period of agreement, the subsidiary has the right to charge service fee and other fees from the users as stipulated in the agreement. e) A subsidiary had entered into a joint venture agreement with a foreign government to set up a telecommunication system and provide related services in agreed area. Under the terms of the agreement, the subsidiary is committed to supply, install, control and maintenance all communication network. In addition, the subsidiary must transfer the ownership of such communication network to that foreign government at the expiry date of the agreement. - 15 - f) A subsidiary entered into a call service center agreement with certain local companies. The term of this agreement for a period of five (5) years commencing from August 19, 1997, without cancellation right except for those specified in the agreement, the subsidiary has the right to charge service fee as stipulated in the agreement. g) A subsidiary entered into a distribute on-line charitable lotteries and award prizes agreement with the Thai Government Lottery Office (GLO). Under the terms of the agreement, the subsidiary is committed to supply and install distribute on-line lottery equipment and shall have to comply with certain conditions and restrictions as specified in the agreement. The subsidiary, however, has not yet installed the equipment since the subsidiary is in the process of negotiation certain conditions with GLO. The management of subsidiary believes that this project can be operated in the future, therefore, does not set up any contingent losses inthe books of accounts. This agreement shall be in effect for a period of ten (10) years without cancellation right except for those specified in the a greement. During the period of the agreement, the subsidiary has the right to charge service fee from distribution the said lottery as stipulated in the agreement. 12. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES As at June 30 : a) The Company and subsidiaries had unused letters of credit of approximately Baht 509 million (Baht 270 million for the Company) in 1998 and Baht 2,092 million (Baht 1,551 million for the Company) in 1997. b) The Company and subsidiaries were contingently liable to their customers for the tender guarantees. These tender guarantees were covered by the banks letters of guarantee totalling approximately Baht 762 million (Baht 262 million for the Company) in 1998 and Baht 1,797 million (Baht 816 million for the Company) in 1997. c) The Company and subsidiaries had commitments under the contra cts with certain banks whereby the Company committed to buy certa in foreign currencies at the forward rates at the amount equivalent to approximately Baht 311 million (Baht 310 million for the Company) in 1998 and Baht 238 million (Baht 238 million for the Company) in 1997. - 16 - 13. THE YEAR 2000 PROBLEM (UNREVIEWED) Many companies must undertake major project to address the Year 2000 issue. Each companys potential costs and uncertainties will depend on a number of factors, including computer software and hardware and the nature of its industry. Companies may also coordinate with other entities with which they electronically interact, if any. If companies do not successfully address the Year 2000 Problem on a timely basis, they may face material adverse consequences. The Company instructed its Information Systems Division to study the existing computer system to solve the year 2000 problems beginning in December 1997. At June 30, 1998, approximately 80% of the remediation project had been completed. The Company expects to complete the project in December 1998. The cost of the computer remediation project is approximately Baht 1 million, which is recorded in the period as incurred. Although the Companys computer remediation project is expected to be completed and can be implemented before the year 2000, the Company still faces risks that other companies with whom the Company does business may be unsuccessful in their computer remediation projects within the time limit. However, the Company expects that the impact, if any, will not be significant to the Companys operations. 14. RECLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS Certain accounts in the 1997 interim financial statements have been reclassified to conform with the 1998 interim financial statements presentation.