03 March 2003
Tor. 3/2546 March 3, 2003 Subject Notification of the Resolutions of the Board of Directors' Meeting of the Company To President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Loxley Public Company Limited (the, "Company") would like to report on the resolutions made at the Board of Directors' Meeting No.1/2003 held on March 3, 2003. The Board of Directors passed the following resolutions: 1. That the Company approved its audited financial statement and consolidated financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2002 and for the shareholders to consider; 2. That the Company had just made an early redemption of the bonds at discount and eliminated the risk of foreign exchanged in 2002. To make bonds redemption, the Company used partial long-term Baht loan from local banks and partial its cash reserve. The result of the re-finance had significantly improved the debt to equity ratio and reduced its liabilities. Thus, the Company had to maintain remaining cash reserve for the used of working capital to secure an on-going projects. The Company, therefore, would like to propose no dividend payment to the shareholders; 3. That the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders would be held on April 25, 2003 at 9:30a.m., at Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit Hotel, Ballroom 2, and the closing dated for shares registered for the meeting would be on April 4, 2003 at 12.00 p.m. until the date of the meeting. The agenda for the meeting would be: 1. To certify the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2002; 2. To review the report of the Board of Directors for the work done during 2002; 3. To consider the balance sheet and profit and loss account of the preceding of fiscal year 2002 and approve the same; 4. To consider the declaration of dividend and appropriate amounts as reserve funds; 5. To elect new Directors in place of those who must retire on the expiration of their terms and consider the remuneration of Directors; 6. To consider appointment of Auditor and to consider his annual audit fees; 7. To consider other business (if any). Sincerely yours, Loxley Public Company Limited (Mrs. Suganya Veerakiatkij) Senior Vice President Accounting Department