Form of Report to Results of the Sale of Shares (F53-5)

23 May 2007
Tor.10/2550 (F53-5) Form of Report to Results of the Sale of Shares Loxley Public Company Limited May 23, 2007 1.Information relating to the share offering Category of shares offered : new Ordinary Share Number of shares offered : 1,921,030 Shares Offered to : Ekpavee Co.,Ltd. Price per share : Baht 1.71 (Closeing Price at April 24, 2007) Please be informed accordingly: May 4 - 15, 2007 2.Results of the sale of shares: ( / ) totally sold out 3.Details of the sales Thai investors Total Juristic persons Number of persons 1 1 Number of shares 1,921,030 1,921,030 Subscribed Percentage of total 100 100 shares offered for sale 4. Amount of money received from the sale of shares Total amount Baht 3,284,961.30 Net amount received Baht 3,284,961.30 The Company hereby certifies that the information contained in this report form is true and correct in all respects. Signature..................... (Mr.Pichai Mooputtarak) Secretary of Board of Director