Ouychai Rangchaikul, Ph.D.
First Executive Vice President
First Executive Vice President, Since 1 January 2021
- Ph.D. in Public Administration, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
- M.B.A. Assumption University
- Certificate of Business Management, King’s College London
- B.B.A. Assumption University
- Security Management and Leadership for Executive Program (SML) Class 5/2023, The Association of National Defence College of Thailand Under Royal Patronage of His Majesty
- Role of Chairman Program (RCP) Class 55/2023, Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)
- Director Leadership Certificate Program (DLCP) Class 1/2021, Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)
- Advanced Certificate Course in Politics and Governance in Democratic Systems for Executives Class 24/2020, The College of Politics and Governance, King Prajadhipok’s Institute
- Director Certification Program (DCP) Class 278/2019, Thai Institute of Directors (IOD)
- Business Management
- Sale and Marketing
Listed Companies (1)
First Executive Vice President, Loxley Plc. / Technology and trading business
Non-Listed Companies/Other Business (10)
Director, Mae Arun Food Co., Ltd. / Manufacture of other processed spices, sauces, condiments, and other cooking products
Director, Pailin Seaport Co., Ltd. / Wholesale of other food products
Director, Green Natural Product Co., Ltd. / Manufacture and distribute citrus essential oil
Retail and Services Committee / Board of Trade of Thailand
Processed Food and Future Food Committee / Board of Trade of Thailand
Border Trade Committee / Board of Trade of Thailand
Director, Thailand-Vietnam Business Council
Managing Director, Loxley Trading Co., Ltd. / Trading of consumer products
Managing Director, The Foodsource Co., Ltd. / Import, wholesale and retail of food material and produce food products
Director, Siamsamut Warin Co., Ltd. / Import, wholesale and distribution of food ingredients and food products
Work Experience for the Past 5 years
- Executive Vice President, KCG Corporation Co., Ltd.
- Executive Vice President of Marketing, Lamsoon PLC.
- Executive Vice President of Marketing, Universal Food Plc.
- Senior Director, King Power International Co., Ltd.
- General Manger, Tipco Foods Plc.
- Trade Marketing Manager, Colgate-Palmolive (Thailand) Limited
- Category Manager, Premier Marketing Plc.
- Brand Manager, Sahapathanapibul Plc.
Shareholding in Loxley
- Own: None
- Spouse or Underage Children: None
Family Relationship among Executives