Loxley Partners with AEL in Groundbreaking Initiative: Transforming Food Waste into Energy to Mitigate Environmental Challenges

Loxley's Environmental Business Department Signs MOU with AEL, Pioneering Waste Management Technology Owner from Hong Kong, to Innovate Food Waste Conversion into Biogas. Extensive Installation Planned in Thailand to Address Persistent Environmental Issues
Loxley Public Company Limited's Environmental Business Department, represented by Mr. Pises Dissawat, Executive Vice President, and AEL (International Holdings), represented by Mr. Jude Chao, Chief Executive Officer, have formally entered into a memorandum of understanding. The collaboration focuses on innovating the conversion of food scraps into biomass energy, including biogas and animal feed waste. This strategic partnership aims to foster environmental and community sustainability. The signing ceremony was witnessed by Mr. Pattara Pojanapanich, First Executive Vice President of the Network Solutions Business Line at Loxley Public Company Limited, and Mr. Steve Chuang, Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI). The event took place during the "Thai-Hong Kong Business Forum," organized by the FHKI and the Thai-Hong Kong Trade Association (THKTA) at the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit Hotel.
Mr. Pises disclosed that the company recognizes the significant volume of food waste generated daily from diverse sources such as food courts, food centers, and large restaurants. Improper disposal of such waste can have lasting environmental repercussions. In a proactive move to curb food waste and its environmental impact, Loxley has joined forces with AEL in a research and development initiative. The focus is on innovative solutions for converting food waste into biomass energy, including biogas and animal feed waste. This collaborative effort aims to minimize resource loss, address environmental challenges, and foster sustainable communities.