The Energy SBG is a leader in engineering high-tension power transmission systems and high-voltage substations, constructing, installing and testing of electrical power systems, implementing SCADA power control centers to move towards the Smart Grid Electrical System. The Energy SBG is also determined to keep up the pace of development, seeks renewable energy with solar cell technology and building solar farms, including on factory rooftops, on ground installations and on water surfaces, and biomass power plants to generate sustainable energy.
The Energy SBG is engaged conducts power systems operations for both government and private sectors by providing service as turnkey Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) services. These cover a range of services from project management, design, procurement and installation of equipment, to the construction of public works and system testing. The work is divided into two main sectors - the construction of power stations and the construction of transmission lines, both overground and underground. The company also provides power systems for factories and high-rise buildings, and utility systems which include general power systems, maintenance service, system testing and consulting on power systems.
As well as turnkey construction concerned with electrical power systems, which is basic national infrastructure, the Alternative Energy Department of the Energy SBG is engaged in the business related to design, construction and installation of solar power systems as a turnkey EPC project and operate and maintenance (O&M). The SBG is focused on providing quality management services with a knowledgeable and professional team of engineers with over 15 years of experience in the power generation industry. The Company is also the owner of petty patents for rooftop solar panel cleaning machines and solar panel cleaning machines which have been registered with the Department of Intellectual Property. Furthermore, Alternative Energy Division also undertakes investments in solar rooftop installations for state and private agencies to invest in and share the benefits from solar power generation. These create business opportunities from renewable energy and ensure long-term energy sustainability.
Key Highlight Partners

Key Customers


Energy Systems Specialist in project management for construction/renovation of substation and transmission Line

L Solar 3 Co., Ltd.
Company specializing in the design and installation of solar cells