Social Performance

Safety and Health
Number of injuries or accidents leading to loss of life (Times)
Number of employees who needed to take leave from work due to an incident at work (People)
Number of incidents or cases leading to employees needing leave from work (Times)
Fire evacuation education and training (Times)
Following Human Rights and Equality Principles
Incidents of human rights infringement (Times)
Employees with disabilities (People)
Major labor disputes (Case)
Taking Care of the Community and Society
Number of shared activities with the communities (Times)
Employee Care and Development
Percentage of employees who are provident fund members
Training and development hours for each employee
Unit: (Hours / Person / Year)

Labor Rights Operations and Practices

ESG Performance Indicators and Targets 2023 Performance
No human rights violation reported 0
  • Carry out personnel policies that adhere to human rights principles, manage diversity, and accept individual differences.
  • Add value Develop further participatory projects based on the principles of respect for human rights, create opportunities and equality in society.
Management Approaches
  • Operate in accordance with law, and best practices on human rights, diversity management and acceptance individual differences.
  • Support social activities to create opportunities and equality.

The Company is committed to operating within the scope of human rights and labor practices according to the principles of the United Nations Business and Human Rights and relevant laws, treating all parties fairly based on human dignity. It does not discriminate and supports the employment of disabled individuals to create opportunities, jobs and improve quality of life. Additionally, it implements policies and measures to protect employees' personal information.

Human Capital Management and Development

ESG Performance Indicators and Targets 2023 Performance
The number of training and development hours per employee per year is 12 hours per employee per year.
hours per employees per year
80% of employees in the support group have been given individual development plan, which can be implemented according to the plan. %
  • Develop knowledge, expertise, and abilities of employees to support business expansion and respond to changes that occur in a timely manner.
  • Develop Leadership Competency and leadership development plan in alignment with the success planning strategy.
  • Take care of employees thoroughly to create a happy working atmosphere.
Management Approaches
  • Prepare courses and activities that support employees to develop themselves. Both training courses within the organization and training at outside institutions.
  • Identify the core competencies required of the organization and each job position. To provide guidelines for the development of personnel and employees at all levels.
  • Provide individual employee development plans and support blended learning 70-20-10 as well as create a learning culture in the organization.
Information about Employees and Human Resource Management
Total Employees
Unit : Person
Percentage of Employee Turnover Leaving the Company Voluntarily
Unit : Percentage
By Gender
2020 2021 2022 2023
Male 52.94 45.45 52.54 45.45
Female 47.06 54.55 47.46 54.55

The Company supports the creation of opportunities and equality in society by continuously supporting athletes with disabilities through the Loxley-ASM Sport Hero Project, as well as employing 55 athletes with disabilities as company staff.

Employee Development

The Company implements individual employee development plans and provides training based on the specific needs of job positions and responsibilities. This includes training, self-directed learning, and other forms of development, as well as supporting employees in taking certification exams with external institutions to validate their competencies according to professional standards, creating readiness and opportunities for growth.

Employee Performance Appraisal

The Company established a structure for employee remuneration that is consistent with the Company’s short-term and long-term operating results through the Performance Management System (PMS) to ensure the targeted operating results are achieved and in conformity with the organization’s business direction strategy. By considering increasing employees' salaries based on individual performance once a year, through using of key performance indicators (KPIs) linked to all four aspects of the organization’s operational strategies (financial, customer, operational and developmental aspects) including competency. To evaluating individual performance for determining employee compensation.

KPIs evaluation are conducted for Management Level and Regular Employees at
Excluding Contracted Employees
Employee Engagement Survey

The Company surveys the level of employee engagement with the organization through an external agency every two years, covering factors that affect engagement levels. The survey results are used to improve strategies for fostering employee engagement and are presented to the board of directors.

Overall engagement index with the organization is
4.94 out of a full score of 6.00 points

Occupational Health and Safety for Everyone in the Value Chain

ESG Performance Indicators and Targets 2023 Performance
Accident rate resulting in more than 3 days off work, not more than 3 times.
Deaths from work accidents are zero.
  • Uplift occupational health and safety management to include everyone in the business chain.
Management Approaches
  • Comply with laws and regulations related to safety, occupational health and the environment.
  • Provide necessary equipment for work safety. Take care of the working environment to be safe for the life and property of the Company's personnel. and beneficial to work.
  • Improve the working environment, both physical and biological.
Statistics of Injury or Accidents from Work by Employee
Number and Lost time injury frequency rate of employee
Number of employees that fatalities from work-related
Note : The data provided by Loxley PLC in 2023.
Statistics of Injury or Accidents from Work by Contractors
Number and Lost time injury frequency rate of contractors
Number of Contractors that fatalities from work-related
Note : Information of contractors who work within the project area under the responsibility of Loxley Power Systems Company Limited in 2023.

Community Relations

Support social activities both in monetary form, items and services and in the form of social activities.

Total Baht
Monetary Donation
Social Activities
Products and Service
  • Take care of the surrounding community and society and focus on delivering value back to society by leveraging the resources and expertise of the organization and employees.
  • Support cooperation and participation of employees and related partners to create value and benefits for society.
Management Approaches
  • Explore community expectations to carry out useful activities to help improve quality of life as well as the well-being of the surrounding community and continuously carry out social activities.