04 เมษายน 2544
(F53-5) LOXLEY PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED REPORT THE RESULTS OF A SHARE OFFERING APRIL 3, 2001 1. Information relating to the share offering Class of shares offered : Common share Number of shares offered : 85,000,000 shares Offered to : ECD Holders who converted their bonds into ordinary shares Price per share : Exercise of the right to convert ECD 1 and ECD 2 2. Results of the share sale ( ) Totally sold ( / ) Partly sold, with 192,103 shares remaining. The company will deal with the remaining shares and report to the shareholders to find out the resolution. 3. Details of the sale Thai Investors Foreign Investors Juristic Natural Juristic Natural Total Persons Persons Persons Persons No.of persons 4 - 103 7 114 No. of shares subscribed 2,595,535 - 82,010,487 201,875 84,807,897 Percentage of total shares 3.05% - 96.48% 0.24% 99.77% offered for sale 4. Amount of money received from the share sale There is no receiving under Company's debt restructuring. Expenses to convert shares Baht 0.25 million Other expenses Baht 0.10 million Total Baht 0.35 million The Company hereby certifies that the information contained in this report form is true and complete in all respects. Signed............................. Signed............................. ( Mr.Vasant Chatikavanij ) ( Mr.Suchin Suwanacheep ) Director Director