Issuance and Offering of Debentures Of Loxley

05 พฤศจิกายน 2546
Tor. 13/2546 November 4, 2003 Re: Issuance and Offering of Debentures of Loxley Public Company Limited To: President The Stock Exchange of Thailand Pursuant to the resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2003 of Loxley Public Company Limited (the "Company") held on September 5, 2003 approving the issuance and offering of in the amount not exceeding Baht 2,000 Million, the Company has offered 2 series of the Debentures in the total sum of Baht 2,000 Million as follows: Series 1 Series 2 Name "Amortizing Debentures of Loxley Public "Amortizing Debentures of Loxley Company Limited No. 1/2003 Series 1- Public Company Limited No. 1/2003 Due 2006" Series 2 - Due 2008" Issued Amount Baht 1,000 million Baht 1,000 million Credit Rating BBB by TRIS Rating Co., Ltd. Interest Rate Fixed interest rate of 4.10% p.a. Average 6 month - fixed deposit account floating interest rate of BAY, SCB, KBANK, and BBL + 3.10% p.a. Tenor 3 years from the issue date 5 years from the issue date Issue Date November 5, 2003 Maturity Redemption November 5, 2006 November 5, 2008 Interest Payment Semiannually during the term of the Semiannually during the term of the debentures debentures Principal Payment Principal is to be payable in installments Principal is to be payable when the when the debentures reach 6 month- Debentures reach 3 year 6 month- term, on interest payment date provided term, on interest payment date that: provided that : * 1st to 4th installments : each * 7 th to 9th intallments : each at 12.5% per unit of Debentures at 12.50% per unit of * 5th to 6th installments : each Debentures at 25% per unit of Debentures * 10th installment : at 62.5% per unit of Debentures Collateral None Bond Representative DBS Thai Danu Bank Public Company Limited Key Covenants of * D/E < 2.5 times Debentures Issuer * None of the Company's assets shall be used as collateral for other indebtedness * Dividend payment not exceeding 60% of net profit Please be informed accordingly. Yours Sincerely, (Mrs. Suganya Veerakiatkij) Senior Voice President Accounting Department