Environmental Performance

Energy Management
Electricity consumption
Kilowatt - Hours
compared to the volume as of base year 2020
The ratio of total electricity consumption to the total number of employees
Kilowatt - Hours / Person / Year
Electricity costs
Renewable Energy Consumption
Water Management
The amount of water used for consumption in the office
Cubic Meters
compared to the volume as of base year 2020
Water cost
The ratio of total water consumption to the total number of employees
Cubic Meters / Person / Year
Waste Management
The amount of recyclable waste
equivalent to 1,747 trees used to absorb greenhouse gases
The amount of non-hazardous waste
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
The amount of carbon footprint reduced

Environmental Management and Policy

The Company has established an Environmental Management Policy to provide guidance for managing its environmental projects comprehensively, in accordance with environmental regulations, international standards. This involves developing organizational structures, strategies, planning processes, resource allocation and reducing environmental impacts.

Eco-efficiency in Business Operations

  • Cultivate and create awareness among the Company's personnel to use resources in a worthwhile manner. Be responsible for the environment, especially regarding reducing energy use, efficient use of resources and waste management.
  • Implement measures to use resources efficiently, effective in every business process, manage waste efficiently with the 3Rs concept.
  • Drive innovative ideas in developing products and services, solutions, and business opportunities that takes into account the impacts of climate change, the environment, and hygiene.
Energy Management

In 2023, electricity consumption decreased by 535,500 kilowatt-hours, or 18.13%

due to effective energy management measures and ongoing energy conservation promotion through various projects and activities.

Water Management

The Company has implemented campaigns to encourage employees to use water efficiently and appreciate its value in daily life consistently to raise awareness and extend to efficient wastewater management. The Company treats wastewater from office buildings systematically before releasing it into the public drainage system to avoid adverse effects on the surrounding environment.

Waste Management

The Company promotes awareness of waste reduction from operational processes and business activities throughout the value chain in a sincere manner, by communicating and encouraging employees to minimize the use of unnecessary materials resulting in minimal waste from operations and managing waste responsibly. Based on the principles of the 3Rs : Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. For example, campaigns to supporting the use of cloth bags, encouraging the use of personal water bottles and waste separation for recycling through various activities, including educating the community and schools, integrated with the Company’s social initiatives.

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

ESG Performance Indicators and Targets 2023 Performance
Greenhouse gas emissions reporting, Scope 1 and 2 of Loxley PCL.
Scope 1 is equal
to tCO2eq
Scope 2 is equal
to tCO2eq
  • Continuous education on climate change to create awareness and cooperation in addressing issues.
  • Increase the amount of use of renewable energy and clean energy sources. Reducing the use of energy comes from combustion sources or using energy that produces less pollution. This includes increasing energy efficiency by improving or modifying technology.
  • Support the cost-effective use of resources as well as efficient in every process of business operations including the use of technology that helps increase efficiency in resource use.
  • Development products and services, presenting environmentally friendly solutions and innovation, to create sustainability in both business and the environment in the long term.

The Sustainable Development Working Group and the Office of Company Secretary serve as key mechanisms for driving and reporting progress on climate change initiatives to the board of directors on a regular basis. This information is considered in reviewing the Company's targets, strategies, risk management policies, annual budget, and business plan.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reducing
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% from the baseline year within the year 2030
The amount of greenhouse gas emissions absorbed from various activities is equivalent to 27 tCO2eq

The Company has greenhouse gas reduction targets aligned with national targets and aims to contribute to creating a low-carbon society for a better future by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases, specifically Scope 1 and 2, as follows:

Scope 1

Implemented a policy to consider transitioning from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles (EV), which is a significant step in reducing carbon dioxide emissions associated with the Company’s operations in a sustainable manner. This includes efforts to explore investment opportunities in EV-related businesses such as EV taxi services.

Scope 2

Installed solar rooftop electricity generation systems on the roofs of 2 office buildings, namely the Hanuman Building and the ICT1 Building, located within the Company’s main office area. The installed power generation capacities are 93.2 kilowatt and 139.15 kilowatt respectively. Additionally, the Company is exploring the possibility of installing solar power generation systems on other buildings as an additional for the future.

Risks and Opportunities related to Climate Change

The Company monitored the situation, assessed the risks and opportunities associated with significant climate change, both in terms of physical and transitional risks. This was done to identify risk issues, assess risk levels, and develop risk management plans, including setting prevention and response measures for various potential situations. These efforts aimed to create flexibility for the Company’s business in the face of crises or disruptions that may occur, as well as to capitalize on opportunities arising from transitioning to a low-carbon economy.