For us, business that will be successful is a business that thrives simultaneously with the survival and growth of surrounding partners. Loxley grew from a small family operation exporting agricultural products and stepped into trade and technological business. With dedication and diligence, it has been able to grow to success for more than 86 years.
The Company still adheres to building trust and confidence among customers, suppliers, and business partners maintaining established long-term relationships. This includes various activities for the benefit of employees and surrounding communities. Loxley group has been involved in social responsibility and has been on the path of sustainable development for a long time.
Sustainability Message from Chairman and CEO
…Although this is the first small step forward in sustainability practice that has just begun, we believe sustainability can be built upon these small steps.The Company will follow a path to sustainability according to accredited international standards in the future.…
Sustainability Message from Managing Director
Our working philosophy is to take special care of the people around us. Whether it is our customers, partners, or the local community. Because these are the people who support us and enable us to take steps forward and grow sustainably.
Sustainability Awards and Recognitions
Policy And Targets On Sustainable Management
Fully aware of sustainable operations and with continuous management of sustainability under economic, social and environmental dimensions, the Board had, at its Meeting No. 6/2564 on 20 December 2021 resolved to issue the Company’s Policy on Sustainability in writing as a reflection of its determination to develop its operations by objectively taking into account all of the above dimensions including respect for the human rights of every stakeholder in its chain of supply based on the principles of good corporate practice. Targets and business direction under the sustainable development framework are set out below:

Economic Dimensions
As an organization conducting its businesses with responsibility, products and services offered shall answer customers’ demands with quality and meet their requirements at appropriate prices as well as centered on customer interests. Business models will also be created to help the Company grow hand-in-hand with its business allies and build up the trust and long-term relations between customers and trading partners.

Social Dimensions
The Company gives great importance to building up a happy working community and will look after the lives and welfare of its personnel as well as their development towards professionalism. Opportunities will also be given to the disabled and communities in its neighborhood to ensure a better quality of life for their residents.

Environmental Dimensions
The Company pays attention to the importance of participation and the role of responsibility to the environment and is determined to become an organization which effectively promotes a drop in the use of natural resources and energy as well as curtailing environmental impact by promoting employee activities and participation in various projects on a continuous basis.
Handling Impact On Stakeholders In The Chain Of Value In Business
The Company recognizes that stakeholders in the value chain play an important role in creating value and long-term business sustainability. Conducting business with consideration to responding to the expectations of stakeholders from upstream to downstream is something the Company is always aware of and gives importance to. The Company has established guidelines for creating participation and treating stakeholders equally and guidelines for treatment of stakeholders have been specified in the Company’s policy and business ethics.